Cozy Kit for your own Retreat at Home
55,00 €Preço
As the fall deepens and winter approaches, it’s time to look inward and re-connect.
I’ve created multiple meeting points with the depths of one’s heart, from physical care to emotional repair.
I hope this cozy kit for your own retreat at home helps you.
Conduct your own retreat at home with seven exclusive ceremonies:
-Main Ceremony for our Home Retreat: Shadow Work, Total Repair of your Inner Codes
-Receive the Frequency of Understanding & Self Forgiveness: Light Language Healing Capsule
-Prepare for Deep Sleep or a Nap with this Reiki Cleanse
-Skin Healing Formula
-Healing the Feminine Cycle & Reproductive System + Balancing Feminine Energy
-Nervous System Reset
-Lymphatic Cleanse
Take good care of yourself,