Upon reading many channeled books about Ancient Egypt practices in healing temples with sound, I ask myself: Do organs have a song? If so, how can I tune in and help?
Organs in the human body can emit different sounds or frequencies.
This is because every organ in the body has its own unique vibrational frequency, which is influenced by its size, shape, and cellular structure.
Research has shown that healthy organs in the body emit harmonic frequencies, while diseased organs emit discordant frequencies. By measuring the frequency of the organs, it is possible to determine their overall health and functioning.
In fact, one technique used to measure the vibrational frequency of organs is known as bioresonance therapy. This technique involves using a device that can detect the electromagnetic energy emitted by the body and convert it into sound or visual feedback. This allows practitioners to identify areas of the body that may be imbalanced or experiencing dysfunction.
Similarly, the practice of sound healing involves using specific frequencies to promote healing and balance in the body. This is based on the principle that everything in the universe is made up of energy and has its own unique vibrational frequency. By using sound frequencies to resonate with the body's natural frequency, sound healers aim to restore balance and promote healing.
This is a huge part of toning light language. Indeed, when you start self-toning, you can witness the shifts happening within - and how emitting, how making sound is giving a platform to express more than ideas, but raw emotions and past reactions that stayed stored within your physiology.
In summary, organs in the human body can emit different sounds or frequencies, and these frequencies can provide information about the health and functioning of the organs. Techniques such as bioresonance therapy and sound healing can be used to measure and manipulate these frequencies for therapeutic purposes.